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General Information

Full Name Emile Roux
Date of Birth 3rd of June 1983
Languages French, English


  • 2011
    Cemef, Mines ParisTech, France
    • Mechanical joining - strategies dedicated to process optimization and mechanical behavior identification.
    • Mechanical joining, optimization, inverse analysis, parameters identification, ductile damage.
  • 2007
    Advanced Master's Degree
    Cemef, Mines ParisTech, France
    • Major in computational Mechanics
    • long-term project with Gaz de France.
  • 2006
    Master of Engineering (MEng)
    Ecole Nationale Supérieure d'Electricité et de Mécanique (ENSEM), Nancy, France
    • Electricity and mechanics with a major in mechanical engineering


  • 2015 - now
    Associate Professor
    SYMME laboratory, Universtité Savoie Mont Blanc, Annecy, France
    • Teaching
      • Continuum mechanics
      • Fluid mechanics
      • Numerical methods for industrial engineering / Python programming
      • Dynamics of solid
    • Research topics
      • Numerical methods for solid mechanics.
      • Inverse analysis / Optimisation.
      • Experimental mechanics (DIC, high-speed imaging, thermography).
    • Academic responsabilities
      • Co-scientific animator of the OMPP team at the Symme Laboratory (2019-now).
      • Semester coordinator of the M1 of materials and mechatronics engineering (2012-now).
  • 2014 - 2015
    Post-Doctoral Researcher
    ISAE - Institut Clément Ader, Toulouse, France
    • study of shear banding assisted fracture under dynamic loading.
    • dynamic characterization of UHS steel.
    • High frame rate imaging for impact test.
  • 2012 - 2014
    Post-Doctoral Researcher
    University of Twente, Twente, Netherlands
    • MEGaFiT (European 7th framework program) - Manufacturing Error Free Goods at First Time.
  • 2011 - 2014
    Post-Doctoral Researcher
    CEMEF, Mines ParisTech, Sophia Antipolis, France
    • PACROLP-II (European RFCS project) - The prediction and avoidance of cracking in long product hot rolling.

Open Source Projects

  • 2020-now
    • Positron is a repository made collectively by several teachers and researchers from Annecy in France. It contains resources and exercises dealing with topics related to numerical methods in Python.
  • 2017-now
    • CompMod2.