
publications by categories in reversed chronological order.


  1. CE_2024.jpg
    High-Accuracy 3D Locators Tracking in Real Time Using Monocular Vision
    C. Elmo Kulanesan, P. Vacher, L. Charleux, and 1 more author
  2. CS_2024.jpg
    Optimized and Robust Orbit Jump for Nonlinear Vibration Energy Harvesters
    Camille Saint-Martin, Adrien Morel, Ludovic Charleux, and 4 more authors


  1. ShearBand.jpg
    Intense shear band plasticity in metallic glass as revealed by a diametral compression test
    C. Bernard, S. Hin, L. Charleux, and 4 more authors
    Materials Science and Engineering: A, Feb 2023
  2. COBE.jpg
    In situ DIC method to determine stress state in reinforced concrete structures
    Marie Allain, Olivier Ple, Noémie Prime, and 2 more authors
    Measurement, Mar 2023


  1. SaintMartin2022.jpg
    Power expectation as a unified metric for the evaluation of vibration energy harvesters
    C. Saint-Martin, A. Morel, L. Charleux, and 3 more authors
    Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, Dec 2022
  2. carre2022.jpg
    Extending the operating limits and performances of centimetre-scale wind turbines through biomimicry
    Aurélien Carré, Pierre Gasnier, Émile Roux, and 1 more author
    Applied Energy, Nov 2022
  3. morel2022.jpg
    Simple analytical models and analysis of bistable vibration energy harvesters
    Adrien Morel, Ludovic Charleux, Quentin Demouron, and 7 more authors
    Smart Materials and Structures, Sep 2022


  1. BendMg.jpg
    Effect of tension-compression asymmetry of AZ31B magnesium alloys on four-point bending
    Emile Roux, Pascale Balland, and Ludovic Charleux
    Mechanics Research Communications, Sep 2021
  2. Leroy2021.jpg
    Are there similarities between quasi-static indentation and low velocity impact tests for flax-fibre composites?
    Adélaïde Leroy, Daniel Scida, Émile Roux, and 2 more authors
    Industrial Crops and Products, Sep 2021


  1. Roux2020.jpg
    An efficient parallel global optimization strategy based on Kriging properties suitable for material parameters identification
    Emile Roux, Yannick Tillier, Salim Kraria, and 1 more author
    Sep 2020
  2. Charleux2020.jpg
    Dependency of the Youngs modulus to plastic strain in DP steels: a consequence of heterogeneity?
    Ludovic Charleux, Laurent Tabourot, Emile Roux, and 2 more authors
    Materials Today Communications, Sep 2020


  1. Cuynet2018.jpg
    Damage characterisation of flax fibre fabric reinforced epoxy composites during low velocity impacts using high-speed imaging and Stereo Image Correlation
    Amélie Cuynet, Daniel SCIDA, Émile Roux, and 3 more authors
    Composite Structures, Sep 2018


  1. On the interest of using full field measurements in ductile damage model calibration
    Emile Roux, and Pierre-Olivier Bouchard
    International Journal of Solids and Structures, Sep 2015
  2. Analysis of ASB assisted failure in a high strength steel under high loading rate
    Emile Roux, Patrice Longère, Olivier Cherrier, and 3 more authors
    Materials & Design, Sep 2015


  1. A new finite element approach for modelling ductile damage void nucleation and growth-analysis of loading path effect on damage mechanisms
    Emile Roux, Modesar Shakoor, Marc Bernacki, and 1 more author
    Modelling and Simulation in Materials Science and Engineering, Sep 2014


  1. Kriging metamodel global optimization of clinching joining processes accounting for ductile damage
    Emile Roux, and Pierre-Olivier Bouchard
    Journal of Materials Processing Technology, Sep 2013
  2. A level-set and anisotropic adaptive remeshing strategy for the modeling of void growth under large plastic strain
    Emile Roux, Marc Bernacki, and Pierre-Olivier Bouchard
    Computational Materials Science, Sep 2013
  3. Three-dimensional analysis of real void closure at the meso-scale during hot metal forming processes
    Michel Saby, Marc Bernacki, Emile Roux, and 1 more author
    Computational Materials Science, Sep 2013